What is Botox Injection for?
Botox injection or Botulinum toxin injections have been in the press for some time now and popularised by the likes of Kim Kardashian and other celebrities. Despite this, there is considerable confusion amongst the general public as to what it is or what it does. There is specific confusion between Botox injections and dermal fillers too. Let my simplify the confusion be describing the three main things that Botox is for? Wrinkles, Hyperhydrosis and Migraines.
Botox Injection for “Wrinkles”
Botox Injection or Botulinum Toxins have been used comercially since 1987. The toxin selectively attacks the neuromuscular endplate which connects the nerve to the muscle. We use it cosmetically to weaken the muscles of facial expression which are responsible for most of the lines around the eyes and elsewhere on the face.

When we started doing this the dosage regime was fairly harsh and facial movements were severely restricted. The current trend is for a softer more natural look which allows us to achieve a significant line improvement whilst maintaining normal facial expression. Botox therapy can be adjusted on an individual basis to produce almost any sort of look the patient desires.

The most important aspect of Botox therapy for the patient is its safety record. It is not possible for it to produce a permanent effect. The muscles of facial expression recover completely in approximately 3 to 4 months. This is both a plus and a minus.
The plus is the safety, the minus is that you will need to repeat the Botox treatments approximately every 12 weeks.
It is important to ensure the treatment is performed correctly with a degree of expertise. In the wrong hands the results can either be disappointing or sometimes even worse than before treatment. I would always recommend seeking out a doctor who is a member of the British College of Aesthetic Medicine with at least five to ten years of experience in this field.
The following link will take you to the BCAM website to search for suitable doctors in your area.
Side Effects of Botox Injection
Botox injections are comparatively side effect free. Some people report occasional headaches within the first 48 hours following injection. Some patients can get small bruises at the injection sites. Very rarely you can get a brow ‘droop’ or a mild lid ptosis. These always settle spontaneously but can be a little unnerving for a patient who hasn’t been warned about the possibility. The published incidence of eyelid ‘droop’ is supposedly 1-2% but in my practice it has been much rarer than that. I suppose it emphasises the need to find a good doctor to provide your treatments.

Botox for Hyperhydrosis
Botox injections can also be used to treat excessive sweating (known as Hyperhydrosis). In this instance it is used to treat the neuroendocrine end plate which is attached to the sweat glands. The process is brief and comparatively painless with the onset of action within just a few days. The effect lasts a lot longer than facial Botox at approximately 6 months.
Some patients only find hyperhydrosis a problem in the summer months so they only get it done in early spring.
Botox for Migraine
Botox injections have also been used for many years to reduce the severity of migraines. Whilst we all get headaches from time to time a true Migraine sufferer can be very debilitated by this condition. A simple injection process in several sites around the head can have a major impact on both the severity and intensity of the migraine attacks. These need to be repeated roughly four times a year.
So what can Botox offer you?
If you are starting to notice things in the mirror that are starting to trouble you. If the ageing process is creeping up on you. If the recovery from a ‘good night out’ the night before is taking longer and making you look more haggard. If your kids are asking ‘Why are you sad Mummy’ because your frown lines are becoming semi-permanent. Then Botox can be used to gently turn back the clock and give you a fresher more relaxed look.
If you suffer from significant Migraine attacks or excessive sweating then Botox injections can be a highly targeted and effective solution to your problems.
It bears repeating that this is your face we are talking about and thus you should be careful when choosing who to allow to inject things into your face. This really shouldn’t be about price. Look for someone who is appropriately qualified. Obviously the more qualified the better. I personally would always recommend a doctor. Then also make sure that that doctor has had plenty of experience.
With suitable treatment selection a wide variety of patients can benefit from Botox injections to allow them to get on with their normal lives have fun and feel more relaxed and comfortable with their own appearance.

For more information regarding Botox Treatments or anything else that we offer please Contact us
Below is a video of Dr Cronin explaining the benefits of these treatments
Eternal Youth is proud to offer Botulinum Toxin and Botox Injection treatments to the people of Cheshire, Alderley Edge, Wilmslow, Hale, Northwich, Stockport, Manchester, Liverpool, the North West and the whole of the UK.
For more information regarding Botox or any other treatments we offer please contact us today. tel: 0800 999 1009